Monday, February 3, 2014

As we know, Facebook gets bigger every day in the World, so if we’re internet Marketers we can make good money with this Social Network. In this article, I’m going to tell you how making money with Facebook fan pages.

Firstly, you should have your own product/eBook or service which you want to promote. It really does not matter, if you don’t have any products to offer, you can still make good money with Facebook fan pages. For example, the easiest way, if you don’t have your own product/eBook, you can go to and join to their affiliate program. So, after choosing for example a Clickbank product, your first task should be to gain visitors to your offer that you’re promoting.

After you made a Facebook Fan page, you just need to get fans. You can get fans quickly in many ways, or start suggesting your fan page to your friends and ask them to suggest it to their friends. You can still search on Google “5000 Facebook Fans in 7 Days” and you’ll get many advices.
When you have thousands of Facebook fans, you can suggest them your website, product or any niche.

Just keep these tips in mind:

1. If you are offering for example a good niche/product/eBook, then you should create a fan page only on that niche you're promoting, or you won’t get targeted visitors. People interested in your niche/product will join to your fan page and they’ll visit your product.

2. Keep your fan page simple and don’t spam it around. If you spam your fan page on Facebook, people may report your fan page.

3. Build a good relation with your fans replying to their answers or giving them free tips on your niche or just any product you want to promote and in the meantime ask them to visit your site. You can offer free membership or discounts for your products on your websites to get more visitors.

In this way, if you have thousands of Facebook fans then many visitors will be visiting your website and will buy your product.

You can do the math if you want:

You have an eBook selling for 8$. Your Fan page has about 4000 fans. You get 2500 visitors to your website in one month and 500 people buy your eBook: 500x8$= 4000$ in one month. That's about 130$ a day. Remember you should have a good quality of your eBook/product/service and you’ll gain trust with your clients and you’ll make money in no time. Patience and hard work are the key to success! Good luck!

Now take action!
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