Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On my recent trip to Burger King I made a little departure from my main stay and decided to do a little covert ops.I found the coupon code book for free whoppers and chicken sandwiches.

All you have to do is get a receipt from a burger king that has a survey box on the back. Instead of calling the number and wasting your time just follow these instructions for free no hassle food.

Here are the instructions:

Find a receipt with the telephone survey on the back.
Where it says to write the code and place the two letter code followed by 5 numbers (hint: Numbers do not have to be in any order or value except that there has to be five of them) for which month you are currently in.
Example: WH 12345 the only thing they will check are the two letters.
You still have to buy any size fry or drink but you will always get a free sandwich of your choosing.

Month Codes:

Based on which month your are in choose the two letters that coincide with that month.

Jan = BB
Feb = LS
Mar = JH
April = PL
May = BK
June = WH
July = FF
Aug = BF
Sept = CF
Oct = CK
Nov = CB
Dec = VM

Hope this helps when the craving hits.


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  2. If u want things your way man go to burger king._.

  3. Burger king free whopper deal take survey

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